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Safe living in Turkey | Is living in Turkey considered risky ?

Posted by Cayan on May 10, 2020

Safe living in Turkey | Is living in Turkey considered risky?

Permanent residence in Turkey cannot be compared to a temporary visit or tour,

and the question that visitors always ask is how much security and stability we want to stay here permanently.


Applications for residency

  • Those wishing to stay in Turkey for more than 90 must apply for a residence permit with a mention of the reasons.
  • Most applicants are merchants, investors, and those wishing to reside permanently as well as those seeking to know.
  • The nationalities of the applicants, mostly Arabs, differ from different countries such as Iraq, Algeria, the Gulf states, Egypt, and others.
  • Traders and businessmen are based in Turkey as the center of their trade and business.
  • The elder is considered one of the most reckless on residence permits to study and seek knowledge.
  • Russians love to come to Turkey for tourism or permanent residence.
  • We notice a lot of Russians in Istanbul or Antalya running the business, some of whom have taken Turkey as their home.
  • Add to these nationalities other Germans and a lot of other nationalities

Positive statistics

  • According to the permanent and regular statistics carried out by the Turkish Residence and Immigration Department,
  • the number of applicants for permanent residence permits from foreigners is increasing significantly and is high.
  • One of the most popular cities in Turkey is Istanbul and then Antalya due to being one of the most important tourist and coastal cities.
  • Most foreigners buy real estate in Istanbul and Antalya to stay or invest.
  • The International Center for Statistics can prove that the crime rate in Turkey is lower than that in America.
  • All we mentioned earlier is to prove that Turkey is a safe and preferred place for many.
  • You can check the security and security of you personally when you meet with any foreign resident in Turkey.

No more worries.

  • If some questionable concerns are worth mentioning,
  • these are the bad conditions that Turkey went through and had negative effects on tourism and investment in general during 2015-2016.
  • The reason for these circumstances was the terrorist attacks aimed at undermining the greatness of this country,
  • but that was nothing but an illusion for who caused it.
  • The Turkish state has been able to curb these plans and take the necessary measures to solve them without happening again,
  • and from that time Turkey has more beautifully returned to prove that it is trusted by many of its visitor’s tourists or traders, investors, and other applicants for permanent residence.
  • In the end, everything we have mentioned earlier provides sufficient evidence and convincing answers to the questions that many of you have always had,
  • you can come and make sure the answers are correct for yourself,
  • and you can get the answers that will be the reason for your permanent Turkish residency.

Safe living in Turkey.

Real Estate and Investment in Turkey:


  • In conclusion our inspiring journey in Turkey, we invite you to explore the world of unique investment opportunities offered by our company.
  • If you dream of owning property in this beautiful country and obtaining Turkish citizenship, our expert real estate team is ready to fulfill this dream.
  • We promise to provide you with valuable advice and unparalleled offers. You can rely on our expertise and legal services for a safe investment experience, ensuring a successful and sustainable investment journey.
  • Feel free to submit your request now, as our real estate consultants will contact you to provide comprehensive answers to all your inquiries and offer the best available deals.
  • Our services extend from pre-purchase to post-property ownership, always aiming to provide a worry-free and comfortable experience.
  • Don’t miss the opportunity to inquire about the latest decisions regarding real estate ownership in Turkey and obtain Turkish real estate residency and citizenship.
  • Immerse yourself in our projects, and browse the residential apartments, villas, and commercial properties available for investment.
  • We are here to make your dream a reality and look forward to being the ideal partner in your fruitful investment journey in the Turkish real estate market.



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